Important Statement From Mr. Biral Patel, Board of Education President, Regarding Policy 5756: "As stated by Superintendent Dr. Aldarelli in his message to the community, Policy 5756 has not been abolished. At the last Board meeting, a motion was made from the floor (meaning it was not on the agenda) to abolish the Policy. The Board at that time followed the attorney’s advice who was present in the meeting concerning the process for handling that motion that came from the floor and a vote was taken by the Board to approve the motion. According to our Board bylaws, a policy can only be officially abolished at a subsequent meeting of the Board after approval at a previous meeting. In other words, it takes two votes of the board at two separate meetings in order to abolish a policy. Therefore, Policy 5756 has not been abolished and is in full force and effect. We want to ensure a complete and correct process is followed and full transparency is maintained in any further Board action that is taken with respect to this. In furtherance of ensuring a proper process is followed with our examination of this Policy, I believe the Board must perform a thorough review of the pros and cons of this Policy before having a final discussion on it. We have enormous faith in Superintendent Dr. Aldarelli to guide our District and under his leadership we are striving to ensure Board members make the right decisions for students, parents, staff members, and the entire Edison Township Community."
6 months ago, Edison Township Public Schools
Celebrate Senior Night as the Lady Eagles Varsity Volleyball team takes on the Lady Mustangs of JFK Memorial High School, on October 9th at Edison High School at 5:15 pm.
6 months ago, Edison High School
Volleyball Senior Night, October 9th at Edison High School
On September 30, 2024, the Edison Board of Education passed a resolution to abolish Policy 5756. In accordance with Board of Education policy, any policy adoption, revision, or abolishment requires two readings and approval by the Board of Education. It cannot be abolished until it is voted on again at a subsequent Board of Education meeting, and therefore, it continues to remain in effect. As Superintendent, I am both committed and required to adhere to all New Jersey state laws regarding anti-discrimination including the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination (NJLAD). I will continue to ensure that all students in Edison Township Public Schools are served fairly and in accordance with the law. We are currently discussing this matter with the Board of Education attorneys, and I will keep the community informed of further developments.
6 months ago, Edison Township Public Schools
policy 5756
2025 USA BIOLOGY OLYMPIAD STUDENT REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN! The registration deadline is November 8th 2024
6 months ago, Edison High School
2025 USA BIOLOGY OLYMPIAD STUDENT REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN! Registration Deadline is November 8th, 2024
Please join us in congratulating April Godoy and Ryan Lin, who were selected as the October Seniors of the Month!
6 months ago, Edison High School
April Godoy & Ryan Lin October Seniors of the Month
Please join us in congratulating Colin Pridady and Stuti Shah who were selected as the September Seniors of the Month!
6 months ago, Edison High School
September Seniors of the Month Stuti Shah and Colin Pridady
Come and enjoy a BOOOOOOOOtiful night!!!!!! The EHS Orchestra is hosting a Spooky Movie Night this Friday, October 11th from 6 pm to 9 pm on the EHS football practice field.
6 months ago, Edison High School
EHS Orchestra presents, Spooky Night Movie. Friday, October 11th  from 6pm to 9pm on the EHS football practice field
Reminder! Arts High Info Session- October 9th, period 3 in the Media Center. More info can be found at:
6 months ago, Edison High School Counseling Office
Our ESports students in Mr. Romanos class engaged in debates today.. Is ESports a sport? Students did a great job not only with the content but the career readiness skills they come along with preparing and presenting in debates!
6 months ago, Nicole Halpin, Supervisor of Career and Tech Ed
Wednesday, October 2, 2024, is a single session day. See the website for school hours. The district is closed on Thursday and Friday, October 3 and 4.
6 months ago, Edison Township Public Schools
Congratulations to Cheyenne Singer for being named ATHLETE of the WEEK. Cheyenne had 15 digs and 7 service points VS NORTH BRUNSWICK. Against JFK, she had 7 digs, 9 service points, and 5 aces. Cheyenne currently has 63 digs, 3 assists, and 14 aces for the season.
6 months ago, Edison High School
Cheyenne Singer Athlete of the Week
Congratulations to Lindsay Yascko for earning ATHLETE of the WEEK honors. Lindsay is the ultimate leader, captain, and role model. She works hard in the classroom and on the mat.
6 months ago, Edison High School
Athlete of the Week recipient Lindsay Yascko
The Subscription Busing Application for the 2024/2025 school year is now open and will close on Sunday, October 13, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. This is a paid bus, once we receive the application and process it, you will be emailed to say there is a seat available and a fee of $625 will be placed on your parent portal account. Payments will only be accepted online via Community Pass. You will then have 7 days to process the payment or your seat will be forfeited and will go to the next person. This is a non-refundable fee. There is also no discount. If you are deemed to have free lunch (not reduced lunch), the fee will be waived. Registration will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis. A separate registration application must be submitted for each child. In the event that you unenroll your child from the district at any time, you will also forfeit the seat. If you re-enroll within the same school year, you will be placed on the bottom of the waiting list. Please note if there is not a bus in your community, we are not able to add one at this time. Please note the new eligibility guidelines established in October 2023, will continue to apply. Elementary School Eligibility for Subscription (Paid Bus): Students residing 1.0 miles or more from their school. For the free bus, the students have to reside over 2 miles from their school. Middle and High School Eligibility for Subscription (Paid Bus): Students residing 1.25 miles or more from their school. For the free bus, the students have to reside over 2.5 miles from their school. Distance is calculated in accordance with state policy: "Measurement is made by the shortest distance along public roadways or walkways between the entrance to the student's home and the nearest public entrance of the school building. This measurement is for eligibility purposes only and is not necessarily the travel path to or from school." We appreciate your attention to these important details and are committed to providing safe and reliable transportation for your child. Should you have any questions, please submit a helpdesk ticket here. The Edison Township Public Schools’ Transportation Team thanks you for your cooperation.
6 months ago, Edison Township Public Schools
school bus
Can't find the Month at a Glance calendar? Have no fear! On the EHS website click on the More tab, then the Family & Community tab, and finally the Digital Backpack. Once there, you will see the "Month at a Glance" link.
6 months ago, Edison High School
BREAKING NEWS!!! See all of our Athlete of the Week recipients here on our Live Feed. You can also see past recipients by clicking the Athletics tab under Student Life on the school website.
6 months ago, Edison High School
Come one, come all to the EHS Co-Curricular Fair! The fair will be held in the cafeteria on Monday, September 30th after school.
6 months ago, Edison High School
EHS co-curricular fair. Sept 30th in the cafeteria
Click the link to view the BOE Meeting Agenda for Monday, September 30, 2024. The meeting will be held at Edison High School. The executive session will commence at 5:30 PM, and the Public Meeting will commence at 7:00 PM.
6 months ago, Edison Township Public Schools
The October 2024 Month at a Glance calendar is NOW available.
6 months ago, Edison High School
October 2024 Month at a Glance calendar
The 2024-25 School Meals and Summer EBT Application is available online at: Please be aware your child's temporary lunch eligibility benefits are only available for the first 30-days of school. Applications must be submitted no later than October 18, 2024. If your application is not submitted by October 18, 2024, your child may be required to pay for lunch.
6 months ago, Edison Township Public Schools
App Image
Congratulations to Emannuel Kostis for winning ATHLETE OF THE WEEK honors! Emannuel scored 3 goals and had 1 assist in the 4-3 win against Sayreville. He also scored 2 goals against Perth Amboy.
6 months ago, Edison High School
Congratulations to Emmanuel Kostis for earning ATHLETE OF THE WEEK honors!